Earlier this year, we sat down with Betsy Huber, the recently elected President of the National Grange, former Government Relations Director for the Pennsylvania State Grange, and Pennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance member, to discuss the benefits of pipeline infrastructure across the Commonwealth.
A lifetime Pennsylvania resident, Betsy grew up a dairy farm in central Pennsylvania, which had a pipeline on the property. As Betsy notes, the pipeline was unrecognizable in everyday life; in fact, if it was not for the stakes in the ground, they would have never known a pipeline was on their land. Betsy’s family safely farmed and raised animals on their land for decades.
Presently, Betsy works closely with farmers, landowners, and other agriculture industries throughout the state to ensure economic growth. While she understands the concerns of Pennsylvania residents, she believes, “the misconception [with pipelines] is that excavation will be there forever, when it is just a short term excavation with a long term benefit.” Huber emphasizes increased production of energy resources in the Commonwealth is essential for economic growth, especially for labor intensive outputs.
Stories, such as Betsy Huber’s, show the reality of how pipelines affect local communities. It is important to continue supporting Pennsylvania pipeline infrastructure, which in the long-term supports Pennsylvania’s economy.
Check out the whole video here.