This week, the American Petroleum Institute released a study titled, “What America Is Thinking on Energy Issues.” The findings showed that the majority of America’s population is in great support of continuing to utilize our nation’s natural resources, as they bring us energy security and affordability.
Resources, like natural gas, are vital to securing our nation as a leader in energy independence. We are leading the charge in Pennsylvania with our abundant source of natural gas from the Marcellus Shale region, but pipelines are the key to ensuring our natural gas resources are able to get to market. Projects, like the Mariner East pipelines, will safely and efficiently support the increased production of Pennsylvania’s natural gas.
The report states, “The further development of new infrastructure such as pipelines ensures that energy can be delivered in a cost effective manner. This is central to our economic growth and national security. Taxpayers benefit from private investments in infrastructure that allows products to move efficiently across our nation. Efficient movement of goods has historically lowered costs to consumers and given U.S. businesses and manufacturers a competitive edge in the global market.” Without pipelines, it would not be possible to utilize our domestic natural gas resource.