PEIA Responds to Bucks County lawsuit

In response to Bucks County’s climate lawsuit filed March 25, 2024, the Pennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance issued the following statement from PEIA Spokesman Kurt Knaus:

“These local lawsuits do nothing to address our real energy challenges. In fact, lawsuits like this actually undercut Pennsylvania’s role in addressing climate change. Electric sector-related emissions have plummeted in recent years as more natural gas has come online to meet our growing power demands. That has led to cleaner air across our commonwealth. The fact is that the United States is reducing greenhouse gas emissions faster than any other country in the world — an achievement tied to our emergence as the world’s top natural gas producer. Pennsylvania is second only to Texas in terms of production, and the energy sector creates jobs and fosters economic growth while benefiting every resident of this commonwealth with lower energy costs. The timing of this lawsuit has little to do with environmental concerns and everything to do with concerns over the coming election.”

PEIA is a broad-based statewide coalition comprising labor, chambers of commerce, agriculture, manufacturing and other business interests and trades that support private investment in pipeline and other energy infrastructure developments to power our economy.