After 2 Years of Public Input, It’s Time to Build Mariner East 2

Over two years ago, Pennsylvania-based Sunoco Logistics began hosting forums and meetings with members of the public and Pennsylvania officials about their proposed Mariner East 2 Pipeline. During that time, officials have accepted feedback and input about the project while also worked with local and state officials to secure the necessary permits needed to begin construction.

Today, the Pennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance sent out a press release highlighting this and calling on the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to approve the permits. This project has been vetted by countless entities, received a tremendous amount of public input and collaboration, and as Trish McFarland, President of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce and founding member of PEIA said, “it’s time to move from concept to construction.”

The pipeline will be built using the most skilled, highly trained construction workers in the industry to ensure the pipeline is built to operate safely without negative impact to our communities and the environment. Additionally, a recent report commissioned by a local township and released by Accufacts, which has more than 40 years of experience as a safety expert in the energy industry, said that Mariner East 2 “has incorporated additional processes in excess of minimal pipeline safety regulations that should assure the safety of this proposal,” acknowledging the state-of-the-art technologies and round-the-clock monitoring that will ensure safe construction and long-term operation.

Jim Kunz, Business Manager for the International Union of Operating Engineers and also a founding member of PEIA added, “The Mariner East 2 pipeline has received ample input by regulators, officials and the general public since it was first proposed more than two years ago. It’s time to get to work.”

Check out the release here: