Last night in West Cornwall …
West Cornwall Township Zoning Hearing Board’s Decision:
Dr. Toomey: I am prepared to make a motion that the Sonoco Pipeline LP is a public utility.
Chair: Do we second that motion?
Mr. Stone: I second it.
Chair: Is there any discussion on the subject? … Hearing none, calling for a role vote.
All: Aye
Chair: Motion passes unanimously.
Chair: The second issue is whether the Sonoco Pipeline Utility, is it able to utilize the public utility exemption under Section 27 – 17:22 of the West Cornwall Township Zoning ordinance, which exempts public utilities from zoning requirements for accessories, support, and maintenance structures which are not requiring human occupancy. Is any Board Member prepared to make the motion on what we should do?
Mr. Stone: I move that Sonoco Pipeline LPE has enough utilities to utilize the public utilities exemption under Section 27 – 17:22 of the West Cornwall Township Zoning Ordinance, which exempts public utilities from zoning requirements for accessories, support, and maintenance structures and buildings which are not requiring human occupancy.
Chair: Is there a second to that motion?
Mr. Housel: I second it.
Chair: Is there any discussion on the subject? … Hearing none, calling for a role vote.
All: Aye
Chair: Motion passes unanimously.
Chair: The next issue is whether or not the permits issued to Sonoco LP were properly issued, as accessory, support and maintenance structures not requiring human occupancy. Is any Board Member prepared to make the motion regarding this?
Dr. Toomey: I move that Sonoco Pipeline LPE was properly issued permits for accessory, support and maintenance structures not requiring human occupancy.
Chair: Is there a second to that motion?
Mr. Stone: I second it.
Chair: Is there any discussion on the subject? … Hearing none, calling for a roll call vote.
All: Aye
Chair: Motion passes unanimously.
Chair: The last issue would be whether or not petitioners, in this case Don Loren, Pamela Bishop, Philip Scober, and Concerned Citizens of Lebanon County have standing in this matter. Is there any Board Member prepared to make a motion regarding this issue?
Mr. Housel: I would like to move that Don Loren, Pamela Bishop, Philip Scober, and Concerned Citizens of Lebanon County do not have standing in this matter.
Chair: Is there a second to that motion?
Dr. Toomey: I second it.
Chair: Is there any discussion on the subject? … Hearing none, calling for a role vote.
All: Aye
Chair: Motion passes unanimously.
Chair: Just a little bit of housekeeping, I’ve marked the transcript as exhibit 71 which will be supplied to us after the last hearing. I have a sign in sheet that I’ve passed around, if someone could give that to me at the end of the hearing, I will mark that as exhibit 72, and keep it in the record. That concludes as far as I’m concerned the issues before the board, is there a motion to adjourn?
All: I second that
Chair: All in favor say Aye.
All: Aye
Chair: All opposed? This meeting is adjourned thank you.