An expansion of energy infrastructure will provide the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with countless positive benefits. With twenty percent of Pennsylvania’s economy devoted to manufacturing, energy resources are critical to an efficient manufacturing sector and expanded pipeline development is necessary to ensure that these resources are available.
Pennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance member and executive director of The Manufacturers Association, Tom Palisin, recently provided these points about the importance of safe, efficient, and cost-effective energy delivery for Pennsylvania’s manufacturers.
Mr. Palisin explains how the shale industry has brought a very positive impact to local manufacturers. The decreased cost in natural gas has helped manufacturers produce their products at an overall lower cost, leading them to better compete globally and domestically.
Mr. Palisin discusses how the lack of natural gas infrastructure has caused issues for some manufacturers. The resource is available, but without pipelines there is no way to get the gas to the manufacturers who need it. “By making pipelines available with connections, we will be able to get this natural resource to the companies who will be able to utilize it for their operations and also be able to utilize it for their products, feedstock, and/or chemical and plastics industries.”
PEIA supports local manufacturers and their need for accessible natural gas. As Mr. Palisin states, “If investments are not made in the infrastructure, Pennsylvania will be missing out on a huge economic impact.” Pipelines are the key to ensuring Pennsylvania does not miss out on a strong economic future.