Pennsylvania’s Marcellus and Utica Shale formations provide countless benefits. Homegrown energy resources provide consumers with affordable, efficient, and reliable clean-burning energy, which has a variety of uses in our everyday lives. Studies have also shown that the safest mode to transport energy resources to market is through pipelines.
Natural Gas Liquids Essential to Everyday Life and Pennsylvania’s Economy
Mariner East 2 is a pipeline project proposed by Pennsylvania-based, Sunoco Logistics. This pipeline would move Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) from the Marcellus and Utica formations in western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Ohio east, to the Marcus Hook Industrial Complex in Delaware County on the Delaware River to be processed, stored, and transported to markets regionally and abroad. NGLs such as propane and ethane are central to our everyday life and essential to Pennsylvania’s economy and manufacturing base. These products heat our homes, power our factories, and are necessary for a variety of industries like plastics, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture.
New Tax Revenues, Permanent Jobs, Community Care
The Mariner East 2 could generate $4.2 billion for the Pennsylvania economy, support 30,000 new jobs during construction including 300-400 permanent jobs following construction, and generate $62 million in tax revenues for the commonwealth. They will use local union labor, which will ensure that the pipeline is built with the highest regard for safety and the environment.
Help Get the Permit Approved
Tell the Department of Environmental Protection that you support the Mariner East 2 pipeline project and ask that they approve the permit.