Several southeastern Pennsylvania legislators convened a town hall meeting Wednesday night to ensure residents know how to protect their homes and property during pipeline construction, focusing on Mariner East. The lawmakers had with them a local township solicitor who offered advice about temporary workspace easements for the project, which is nearly complete.
The reality is that whatever remaining work needs to be done in Delaware or Chester counties, that work will have to meet strict regulatory approvals — just like every other phase of this project. Both the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and Department of Environmental Protection have been vigilant watchdogs over Mariner East, as their actions demonstrate.
Residents and officials at every level should have their voices heard — and they have. This project remains one of the most scrutinized infrastructure projects in the commonwealth. That is why residents can be confident that every decision about this project has been based on environment protection, public safety and the law.
If you are writing about this town hall meeting, please feel free to use any of this material and attribute the following statement to me, Kurt Knaus, spokesman for the Pennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance:
“Residents and officials at every level should have their voices heard — and they have. This project, which is nearly complete, remains one of the most scrutinized infrastructure projects in the commonwealth. Whatever remaining work needs to be done on this project will be done under the watchful eyes of regulators, with a focus on environmental protection, public safety and the law — just like every other phase of this project to date.”
For nearly four years, the Pennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance has advocated for the safe, responsible development of critical infrastructure and boosts in economic activity. If you are using any of this information, please feel free to quote, Kurt Knaus, as PEIA spokesman.
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Twitter: @PAllies4Energy