Today, the Pennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance (PEIA) announced that the Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association (PFMA) has joined the broad-based coalition in support of timely approval for critical energy infrastructure in the Commonwealth.
“We support needed energy infrastructure investments in the Commonwealth, which will put thousands of Pennsylvanians to work, stimulate local economies, and increase markets for food merchants across the state,” said Paul Rankin, Chairman, PFMA. “In addition, our members will benefit from access to stable supplies to energy at low costs to power our businesses. Pipeline projects will be an important investment for the Commonwealth and must be thoroughly considered.”
The PFMA is a statewide trade association advocating the best interest of convenience stores, supermarkets, independent grocers, wholesalers and consumer product vendors operating in Pennsylvania. PFMA’s membership consists of national chain stores, regional chains and locally owned independent retailers of all sizes. They represent more than 3,200 retail food stores and employ more than 150,000 Pennsylvanians.