Yesterday, the Unionville Times published an editorial by Mike McGann about the waivers recently given to allow construction to continue along the Mariner East II pipeline. McGann argues that Governor Tom Wolf made the wrong decision because he believes the pipeline project is not “life-sustaining” however, he refuses to acknowledge the fact that Sunoco is a utility and transporting products deemed essential for home energy.
McGann refers to the pipeline as poorly designed and states that the project is years behind schedule. The project is behind schedule partially because of multiple frivolous lawsuits Energy Transfer/Sunoco has had to endure throughout construction that has produced setbacks. Anti-pipeline activists have taken every opportunity to delay construction with protests, lawsuits, and additional tactics to prolong construction of a legally-permitted project. This project surpassed all of the necessary approvals in addition to winning multiple lawsuits brought against it. To say that it is poorly designed is outright false.
McGann is also wrong about the intentions of pipeline infrastructure and what projects like Mariner East provide Pennsylvanians. The Mariner East system carries ethane, butane, and propane. These materials are used to supply fuel Pennsylvanian’s homes with homegrown, reliable, efficient, and affordable energy. Along with energy materials, the construction opportunities that pipeline infrastructure projects bring the community employ hundreds of skilled union workers. Pennsylvania’s economy also benefits from tax revenues. These are all factors when determining whether or not construction on Mariner East II is “essential” and Mike McGann refuses to acknowledge their importance.