Kickback Andy Continues to Avoid Tough Questions

Anti-pipeline champion Senator Andy Dinniman once again took to Twitter to start another battle over the Mariner East pipeline project. However this time he was quick to give up his blind crusade, though we can’t say we’re surprised. Dinniman has been quick to deflect, redirect, and avoid answering questions pointed at him and his shady tactics.

Sen. Dinniman didn’t respond for comment when Daily Caller tried to contact him about the $80,000 in campaign donations in return for political and legislative favors from a Southeast Pennsylvania developer suing Mariner East, but has no problem taking to Twitter to bash us over sharing the article.


Sen. Dinniman was also quick to spew allegations that money was spent by companies lobbying behalf of Mariner East, however he refuses to answer similar accusations against him that he took thousands in kickbacks.

Then there is the fact that Sen. Dinniman has no problem putting a negative spin on information pertaining to ME2, while all along failing to cite the facts or paint an accurate picture of the situation. For example in speaking of construction possibly impeding the Exton Little League’s upcoming season he failed to include that the pipeline company committed to working with the Little League to ensure that their season would not be negatively impacted, even going beyond what is required, agreeing to build them first class facilities.

Sen. Dinniman claims to be a man with all the answers, but his evasive and dodgy behavior is a sure sign that he’s simply full of hot air instead of facts. Sen. Dinniman should stop wasting taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars for his own gain. Until that day comes we know that he will continue to dodge the most important questions and keep blowing hot air.