The latest installment of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association’s PMA Perspective series titled “Pipelines Expand Prosperity” recently premiered and featured valuable insight on pipelines, Pennsylvania natural gas and first responders.
Though a number of guests were featured PEIA would like to highlight the involvement of pipeline expert Kevin O’Connor. O’Connor brings with him years of experience in the first responder field – including time as a Baltimore firefighter – and as a hazmat training technician. Both have equipped him with years of hands-on experience.
O’Connor directs viewers to the stringent processes required of energy infrastructure projects including permitting, approval, training, construction and maintenance that makes these endeavors billions-of-dollars projects.
With each step in the project taking thousands of man-hours O’Connor points to this attention to detail as the reason natural gas pipelines are the safest methods of energy transport ahead of their rail, truck and maritime counterparts.
The Pennsylvania Manufacturers Association has done an excellent job bringing in seasoned experts to discuss energy and pipelines, both of which have become hot button issues in Harrisburg and counties throughout Pennsylvania. PEIA encourages everyone to check out the episode here. (O’Connor’s interview begins at minute 12:45)