Yesterday, a Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board judge denied a request by a group of anti-progress groups, led by the Clean Air Council, to reconsider a ruling to allow for construction to begin on the Mariner East 2 pipeline.
Mariner East 2 is a critical pipeline infrastructure project that will safely transport Natural Gas Liquids (NGLs) from western Pennsylvania’s Marcellus and Utica Shale formations to Sunoco Logistics Marcus Hook Industrial Complex in Delaware County, near Philadelphia. From there, these energy resources will be processed, stored, and transported to consumers for use.
These products are critical for Pennsylvania and expanded pipeline infrastructure like Mariner East 2 ensures that they can get to consumers in what the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline Hazardous Safety Administration calls, “the safest, most efficient means of transporting natural gas and natural gas liquids.”
Propane has two major needs in Pennsylvania. Lots of Pennsylvanians depend on propane to heat homes during the cold winter months. Just a few years ago, Pennsylvanians experienced a propane shortage, which caused some consumers to do without home heat during frigid periods. Secondly, propane is a key component for the manufacturing industry. While it is key as an energy source, propane is also used as a feed stock for a number of products such as plastics, paints, and glass.
Mariner East 2 was first proposed over two and half years ago. Since then, Mariner East 2’s parent company, Sunoco Logistics has held hundreds of meetings and participated in countless hearings to work with and build consensus amongst the public and legally attain the necessary permits. While the vast majority of Pennsylvanians are reasonable and participated in good faith, some, like these anti-progress, fringe activists want nothing more than to use the courts to delay critical infrastructure projects like Mariner East 2.
Two weeks ago, Mariner East 2 received the final permits needed to begin construction. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection executed an unprecedented process, which included a detailed permit application, tens of thousands of pages long; multiple public hearings along the proposed line, which drew great attendance with citizens for the project outnumbering those against at each meeting; and collected over 29,000 public comments.
While these anti-progress groups will most likely continue what they perceive as a crusade, the Pennsylvania Energy Infrastructure Alliance is ready to get to work and get these important infrastructure projects like Mariner East 2, built.